8 Simple and Easy Dog Treat Recipes You Can Make Today

You love your pet and want the best for them. But let’s face it, we’re all busy! Who has time to make homemade dog treats? Guess what? You do!

Homemade dog treats can be much healthier for your fur baby. They also taste better! When you make it yourself, you can control the ingredients. And just like it is important for us to eat well and maintain a healthy weight, it’s important for your dog as well.

But does making homemade dog treats seem like it would be hard and time-consuming? Let me tell a little secret, making dog treats can be simple and easy!

Simple and Easy Homemade Dog Treats
Simple and Easy Homemade Dog Treats

Using whole fruit and vegetables, all-natural, organic ingredients are best. Never use products with artificial sweeteners, like xylitol! These can be toxic to dogs.

These treats will have no preservatives. Keep them stored in an airtight container for up to 10 days. Always cool completely before storing them.

Also, do you have friends and family members who have dogs? Homemade dog treats make great gifts! 

Try these 8 recipes today! You will find just how easy and simple they are. But fair warning, your pup may never go back to store-bought treats again!

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Sweet Potato Fries

Slice sweet potato into fries or chips
Bake 250 for 1-2 hours, flipping half-way through
(easy right?)

Frozen Fruit Chunks

Cut fruit into bite-sized pieces and freeze
Dogs love strawberries, pineapple, raspberries, blueberries, bananas, and apples (no seeds!)
(Can it get any easier?)

Simple and Easy Homemade Dog Treats
Frozen Fruit Chunks
Simple and Easy Homemade Dog Treats

Banana Peanut Butter Freeze Pops

1 Banana
½ cup plain Greek yogurt
½ cup all-natural peanut butter (the kind you must stir)
Blend until smooth and freeze
(Pretty simple!)

Watermelon Mint Freeze Pops

¼ seedless watermelon
½ plain Greek yogurt
¼ cup fresh parsley
¼ cup fresh mint
Blend until smooth
Put into ice cube trays (or cute paw print and dog bone shaped molds) and freeze

Simple and Easy homemade dog trets
Watermelon Mint Freeze Pops
Simple and Easy Homemade Dog Treats

Dehydrated Jerky

Slice chicken breast, beef, or venison very thin, no more than ¼ inch thick, put in the dehydrator for 6 hours at 165 or until breaks when bent and not sticky.
(Always follow safe raw meat handling practices)

Dehydrated Fruit and Vegetables

Try slicing fruit and vegetables thin and put in dehydrator for 3-4 hours at 165.
Dogs love bananas, apples (no seeds), strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, sweet potatoes, green beans, and carrots.

Pumpkin Peanut Butter balls

1 cup 100% pumpkin (canned)
1 cup whole wheat flour
½ cup all-natural peanut butter
Roll into smaller balls
Bake 15 min at 350

Simple and Easy Homemade Dog Treats
Pumpkin Peanut Butter Balls
Simple and Easy Homemade Dog Treats

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

2 cups organic coconut flour
2 eggs
½ cup all-natural peanut butter
Mix together and add enough water to be able to make into dough
Roll out flat, add more flour to prevent sticking
Cut into shapes of choice (there are lots of cute dog-themed cookie cutters out there)
Place on a foilcovered baking sheet (I like the non-stick foil)
Bake 25 min at 325

(Please adjust cooking times as needed for your type of oven or dehydrator)

I know you will enjoy making these easy and simple treats and your pooch will love eating them!

Show me a picture of your pup enjoying their snacks!

Check out these other articles you will be sure to enjoy!

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Simple and Easy Homemade Dog Treats
Simple and Easy Homemade Dog Treats

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